Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are defined as goods of
biological origin other than wood called from natural, modifed or developed
landscapes. These are fruits and nuts, vegetables, fisheries and game products,
medicinal plants, resins, roots, a variety of barks and fibers such as bamboo,
rattan, palms and herbs. NTFP sectors make a significant contribution to the
national economy and to poverty reduction. But its contribution is still very
insufficient in relation to the potential of the wealth and services that they
can offer.
The constraints to the full deployment of its economy are due to the
inadequate legal and regulatory framework that does not ensure equitable access
and poverty reduction; inadequate management of resource management and
insignificant development of plantations that can guarantee high and sustained production;
inefficient processing and marketing capacity; organization and structuring of
actors unable to value the economic potential of the sectors. To this end,
MINFOF provided Cameroon with a first National Development Plan for NTFPs in
2012 aimed at removing such constraints.
Within the framework of implementation of MINFOF’s PSMNR
activities in the South-west region, with the consistent support of German
Cooperation and Conservation partners (WWF, WCS, GIZ, GFA), an NTFP strategy have
been developed with emphasis on the sustainable harvesting, management and
commercialization of targets species such as Prunus africana, Bush mango and
The communities have so far benefited from initiatives that range
from the establishment of central multipurposes nurseries (MPN), establishment
of extension plots, as well as designated satellite nursery sites in order
enable them effectively contribute towards the Rural Resource Center (RRC)
concept. These MPN sites are intended breeding grounds for improved varieties
of cocoa, palms as well as NTFP species (bushmango, Njansang and Country onion).

The need for a non-timber forest products (NTFPs)
development came up because it was realized that they are economic, social,
cultural and environmental important to the local population. GIZ/ProPFE
contribution to the program also places emphasis on the valorization of forest
resources such as NTFP. This intervention has been directed following
GIZ/ProPFE’s NTFP strategy with focus on : Development of community
micro-enterprise development, co-managemnt of natural resources in protected
areas, support to NTFP value chain and development of community
individual/group nursery initiatives.

In accordance with the CDA negociations the park service
assists the communities with Income Generating Activities (IGAs). One of this
IGA is Multipurpose nurseries and Agro-forestry. There is need to ensure
species sustainability and group functioning, which takes into consideration skill/capacity
building in specific relevant themes. Group dynamics as well as nursery
establishment/management refreshers have been identified to be entry points to
capacity building.
GIZProPFE Strategy
GIZ/ProPFE support technically and financialy the MINFOF on
the implementation of the National Development Plan for NTFPs through the Implementation
of the legal aspect of the National Development Plan for NTFPs ; Capacity
building of NTFPs group ; Elaboration of the business plan ; Development
of IGAs ; Domestication of NTFPs ; Access and benefit sharing ; Statistic
The nursery project is an initiative of APs to implement
the NDP of NTFPs, to improve the community livelihood and to mitigate the
population pressure on wildlife resources. The nursery creation had started
with a meeting between communities and the Park to know the real needs of the
community. Which ended with the signature of the CDA.
Population motivation
Most of the nurseries were established in 2014 and some
members of the nurseries group were trained by ICRAF on multiplication
techniques like : macrotage, graphting, propagation by cutting … .The
Multipurpose Nurseries groups are well organized with strong exco members. They
have a status and an internal regulation. To be a member you have to pay the
registration fees, which varies between new and old members. In Bakingili and
Kotto, the dynamism of the chief make the group to be more cohesive. His involvement
in the management of the Multipurpose Nurseries enable the communities to be
more committed. The Chiefs sometimes organised meeting with members of the
communities who are not nurseries member to work in the nurseries, hence,
involvement of the communities is quarantee.
Benefit sharing
After the production, benefit is shared according to
members attendance list ; which means more a member is active more he
benifit. The seedlings are destinated for their farm for planting, while some
are left for sales in order to continue the management of the nurseries. The
distribution is set by the nursery attendance. In Bova II, 10% of the benefit
return to the village. While in Kotto, the community have 10%, the traditional council
30% and the Multipurpose Nursery groups 60%.
Strengh of MPN
F Availability of land ;
F Availability of some nursery materials ;
F Active members ;
F Group dynamic and well structure ;
F Availability of a business plan ;
F Benefited Training /skills.
Weakness of MPN
F Maketing of the products is the biggest challenge ;
F Lack of motivation of some groups members and weak involvement
of community in nursery activities ;
F Poor financial strengh and need of a running credit;
F Not yet legalised ;
F Unavailibility of seeds (like : dry season bush mango,
cocoa, …) ;
F Insufficient inputs
Lessons learned
The exchange visit was a good platform to learn from a
community which more in advance in the management of MPN and NTFPs. It was
noticed that MCNP have make a huge contribution for Multipurpose Nurseries
establishment in its peripheral villages. The Multipurpose Nursery members
master and apply well all the multiplication techniques. The success of the
nursery in most community is raised by the committment of Multipurpose
Nurseries groups members. But the marketing of NTFPs seeds and plants is still
a big challenge for the nurseries development.
F The dynamism of the chief and his involvement is the key of
success in the Multipurpose Nursery activities ;
F The Action plan and nursery attendance record play a major
rule in work organization and sharing benefit ;
F The application of the differents multiplication techniques
permit to have improve varieties with short time to harvest ;
F The distribution of specifics tasks to nursery members
improve their committment
the refresher training on nurseries establishment and management was a successful
field school, with many demonstrations. The participants were well enlightened
on the NDP for NTFPs, and on the importances of group dynamics, cooperative and
group activities. In addition, they learned how to nurse bitter cola and bush
mango, how NTFPs could help to alleviate poverty, and seed preparation and
nursing techniques. Nevertheless, MPN operators requested for more training,
like :
To learn the different
NTFP transformation methods ;
Documentation and the
procedures to legalise a group ;
Marketing techniques of
seedlings ;
techniques ;
Training on how to
follow-up a plantation after transplanting of seedlings ;
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