Poaching is the
hunting, killing, capturing, photographing and/or filming of wildlife in a
state forest or private Forest (property of a third party) without
authorization from the competent authority in-charge. Poaching is totally
prohibited in the PAs (National Parks, Sanctuaries, FMUs etc) (see also Art
85, Law
Most of protected
areas, hotspot of biodiversity are surrounded by riparian communities depending
directly or indirectly of the forest for protein and income necessities. This
community hunt in an unsustainable manner and in violation of park policy. In
addition, huge quantities of bushmeat are being transported towards the town to
supply high demand. A big transboundary trafficking of bushmeat is also done
towards the neighboring country (Nigeria).
Unfortunately, Poaching has a devastating effect on wildlife and the
environment, leads to a drastic reduction of wildlife population and extinction
of some key species (Elephant, Chimpanzee, Drill, Red-colobus, Buffalos…). At
the rate things are going, tomorrow our kids will be talking about elephants
and monkeys as we talk about mammoths and dragons.
Nevertheless, every
wild animal and plant species has the right to exist and it is duty of
Administration and each citizen to safeguard these natural heritage (Article
62, EML-96). These natural resources shall be managed rationally to meet the
needs of the present generations without compromising the capacity of future
generations to meet their own needs (Sec. 63, EML-96) For this purpose, all
animal species in Cameroon are classified into three classes A,B and C (Section
78, FWFR-94). The species in class A (Elephante,
Gorilla, Pangoline, …) shall be totally protected and may on no occasion
be killed (Art 78-2) except in situations of self-defense and/or protection of
human and their property (Sec. 82 & 83 FWFR-94). Class B species shall be
protected and may be hunter, captured or killed on grant of a hunting permit
(Sec. 78 -3, FWFR-94) and Class species shall be partially protected but their
hunting, capture or killing especially for subsistence shall regulated (Sec.
78-4, FWFR-94).
Hence, any person
found, at any time or any place, in possession of a whole or part of a live or
dead class A or B protected animal, shall be considered to have captured or
killed the animal (Sec. 101-1, FWFR-94). Consequently, a fine from 3,000,000 Frs to 10,000,000Frs CFA or imprisonment from 1 to 3 years or both fine
and imprisonment shall be imposed on whoever commits offences on protected
animals (Sec. 158, FWFR-94). It shall be
forbidden to Hunt; at night, with search lamps, head lamps, fires, poisoned
baits, drugs, fixed guns, dane guns, or involved in importation, sales and circulation
of hunting lamps (Sec. 80, FWFR – 94) the contravention of which shall attract
fines of 200,000 to 1,000,000 CFA or imprisonment of 1 to 6 months or both such
fines and imprisonment (sec. 156).
Causes of poaching: source of protein,
source of income, ready market/consumers, for cultural reasons/trophies, fame,
retaliation to HWC
Target Group (TG): Poachers, Bush meat
dealers (Locals and foreigners)
Effects: Drastic reduction of wildlife population, Extinction of some key
species (Elephant, Chimpanzee, Drill, Red-colobus, Buffalos, Giant Pangolin,
etc. ), Accompanied degradation and deforestation, Reduce touristic
potential/research, Accidents
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